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Please Read and Submit Questionnaire

Thank you for agreeing to be a guest on The Local, a podcast produced by Fairhaven Wealth Management.

The Local is a conversation about what’s happening around us. Everyone has a story--especially you—that goes beyond the day-to-day. We all have stories about our history, our passions, and inspirations. These stories may be local, but their themes are universal. And that’s why you’re here!

The format for The Local is a simple and casual roundtable conversation recorded live, then edited, produced, and prepared for posting/distribution at a later date. If your experience is like every single other guest, you will finish the session by commenting on how much fun you had. No joke, we are batting 1,000% on delivering a fun experience!

What To Expect When We Record
We record at Fairhaven Wealth Management, 104 E Roosevelt Road, Suite 100, in Wheaton. Try to arrive about 10 minutes before your scheduled time and be ready to have fun! The atmosphere is casual and congenial. We’ll simply sit together and talk about you and the stories you have to tell…prompted by our Guest Questionnaire.

Please complete and submit the Guest Questionnaire by clicking on the green button below. If you have any questions in the meantime, let us know. If we have questions, you’ll hear from us as well!

How You Can Prepare
Remember, this is YOUR story. This is all recorded, so during the conversation, if you
need to think through something, restate a point, or just have a do-over…it’s no problem.
This will be an easy-going and friendly conversation, like talking to old friends.
 Be yourself, be candid, and Have fun!

What’s Next
When we post your episode, the recording can be found on the Fairhaven Wealth
Management website and all the main podcast platforms. We’ll let you know when it will be posted/distributed. Once it’s live, please do share the podcast on your website and social media. If you blog, be sure to include links to the podcast.

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